Monday, October 7, 2013

More lies from " Archive"

The following is from Roderick Edwards at -------

In early 2004 the website; was started at first as a place to promote a more conservative form of "Full Preterism".  By 2007, Roderick Edwards, the purveyor of the site had abandoned the heresy of Full or Hyperpreterism. The site was retooled to promote time honored theological answers to contemporary issues.

After many years of being a place where people could come for honest interaction; as it did not require registration or login to leave comments, by 2013 Roderick decided it was time to leave behind the "religionists". No, it was not a leaving of the Faith but merely an acknowledgement that much of "ahem"; esteemed theologians are part of a "good-ole-boys" club that covers for the corruption of their peers.  This became extremely apparent in how seminary owner Kenneth Talbot covered for corrupt men and even promoted them as if they were honorable men.

At the height of this corruption, one of Talbot's underlings; a man Talbot even promoted to "deacon" within his church, actually called Roderick's work in an attempt to get him fired. This same man, whom Talbot promotes as a "Christian" called Roderick's home an attempted to interact with his wife. This same man stole (and still keeps) Roderick's copyrighted material against Roderick's expressed statements.

Anyhow, the corruption among men like Talbot and his peers like Gary DeMar, Kenneth Gentry and others is so wide-spread, that Roderick saw no nobility in keeping a theological presence in such an environment and prays every day that God bring such corruption to an end. was closed on October 03, 2013. Most content is transferred to where Roderick maintains his last theological website, which is geared toward "undoing hyperpreterism" -- something Talbot specifically would not and could not do because he was too embedded with hyperpreterists themselves. 

Roderick maintains a personal site at


Sam Frost Reneges On Debate

In May 2010, Dee Dee Warren and her little sycophants promoted a "debate" I NEVER agreed to and attributed to me positions I do not hold. (see here). I objected to it at the time as underhanded and not becoming of people who claim to be "Christians".  Even their esteemed "Dr." Talbot didn't force them to retract their lies...because he too is a liar.  HOWEVER, here we are in July 2013 and a REAL debate, instigated by Sam Frost (protege of Talbot) toward consistent preterist; Don Preston has been withdrawn. Frost reneged -- that means Frost went back on his word.  Yet not a peep out of Dee Dee or PaulT Gates or the rest of the Talbotites.

Here is the 6 and half minute video of Preston explaining how Frost failed to keep his promise:

Notice that Jason Bradfield; Frost's P.R. man comes to Frost's defense. But how do you defend a man who doesn't keep his word?

Also notice how Preston calls Frost's 80 page booklet; a "book".

Now, here is my hope. I hope Frost is done trying to present himself as God's gift to theology. I'm sure Sam is a great janitor (his profession). I would be more than happy to do my business in toilets Frost has cleaned.... Seriously though, maybe Frost is finally realizing he is just a man and that he and Talbot spent YEARS destroying other people's lives....and should be repentant rather than arrogant. Maybe, just maybe he is starting to show a bit of humility.

More Commentary from Roderick the "Sycophant"

Roderick writes, "Their websites failed to attract anything but sycophants." That's funny because to date, Roderick is our most active visitor. ----- Even in trying to redefine themselves the Talbotites cannot be humble for one moment.  Talbotite shill and weirdo stalker Jason Bradfield wrote:
"this [how smart Bradfield and his friends are] flies over the heads of most hyper-preterists because they were never systematically trained to begin with."
Huh????? But Sam Frost, Bradfield's mentor WAS supposedly "systematically trained" at the very same "seminary" where Bradfield is now trying to be "trained" YET, Frost STILL fell into "hyper-preterism".  Not only that, Frost used his "systematic training" to advocate hyperpreterism. These people have to be the MOST hypocritical people I have ever known.  They act like as they were coming out of hyperpreterism, they were so wise to see it was false. They IGNORE all the people who went before them (like Todd Dennis). They IGNORE all the people that were opposing them while they were busy advocating hyperpreterism. It's as if they are presenting themselves as successes when in reality they have been failures. They spent over a decade advocating a cult and heresy and even in that they couldn't make it work. Frost's attempt to start a hyperpreterist church failed. Their websites failed to attract anything but sycophants. They attempted to make hyperpreterism into a "systematic" movement as they were trained by Kenneth Talbot. But when that failed, they needed some other plan.  ENTER the remake. First, they had to claim to reject their former "sole purpose". They had to disclaim what they formerly "truly believed".  And even though both Frost and Bradfield spent years telling us how THEY DID use "systematic training" to arrive at hyperpreterism, suddenly they arrogantly claim no one but them uses "systematic training". So much good it did them? So, now we're going to be treated to a "new" website where Frost and Bradfield will continue their hypocrisies under a new banner.

From a Guy Who Has Not Read a Single Book of Gordon Clark

A Clarkian Seeing The Light?

Oddly I am seeing reports where a rabid Clarkian is appearing to say that God's ways are above our own as it clearly says in Isaiah 55:8-9. Clarkians as you may know are followers of Gordon Clark. Clark was a philosopher who supposed that the Bible is always "logical" and can always be approached with sheer logic. Clark taught that there is no such thing as a paradox in the Bible even though paradox is only an apparentcontradiction but not an actual contradiction. Or, maybe it's Clark's followers that come off as claiming this and Clark himself never meant to imply this. However, there are paradoxes all over the Bible; such as the "first shall be last and the last shall be first". Miracles are apparent contradictions against the "logical" laws of nature.

I have found Clarkians to be perhaps the rudest "Christians" I have ever encountered; usually because they seem to "logically" give themselves a pass for their corruption. (By the way; Kenneth Talbot is a champ of Clarkianism -- which says a lot)

Anyhow, this Clarkian recently quoted Psalm 131:1-3 which is amazing because it speaks of humility and not trying to attain to "matters too great". Most Clarkians seem to think they are so much smarter than the average person. Talbot even thinks he can decide who should be killed if they don't "obey" him and his cronies (source).

Is this Clarkian finally seeing the light that he isn't such a big shot? I doubt it; because this guy is way too full of himself. But I pray the Lord does a work in him.

TKC Closing - Nobody Cares

TKC Closing

After almost 12 years, I am closing this site when the account comes due for renewal in Oct 2013. Why? Well, because quite frankly I'm sick and tired of religionists. Don't get me wrong. I am "religious". I'm a devout Christian. But a religionist is someone who is so wrapped up in their "religion" that they abandon integrity and honesty. Jesus called such people hypocrites like the Pharisees who would devise all sorts of technicalities to get around Sabbath prohibitions yet condemn other people for infractions. These are religionists. They read Bible verses (or whatever "sacred" book(s) they may hold) as if they were sub-sectioned law books that require them to figure out all the loop holes they can apply to themselves.

I just want out. Removing myself from my most vocal theological presence should be the way to go about it. Perhaps I will be less a target for the religionists. This DOESN'T mean I'm going away...sorry to tell you, you stalker religionists. I will work in other ways to push back against religionists.

But until that time, I will continue to post here periodically.

Hating The Messenger For Hate's Sake

There has been no doubt that over the last few years this site has focused on the "Talbotites" -- Kenneth Talbot followers. Some of these are high profile ex-Full Preterists like Sam Frost and Jason Bradfield. And over these years, the Talbotites have been vicious haters of me; Bradfield went so far as to call my house and try to talk to my wife about me and even creepishly stalked out my place of work and called my boss to try to get me fired. All of this and yet the Talbotites continue to have people think they are honorable people.

Well, I want to revisit history; especially in light of Bradfield's latest article. Oddly enough, even with all his hatred, I have respect for Bradfield; always have. Of the pair, Frost and Bradfield, I certainly give creds to Bradfield having a more honest heart. Anyhow. During the years when I left the Full Preterist movement and tried to explain HOW people got into it; and specifically mentioning how Bradfield got into it, Bradfield's hatred simmered. He just couldn't hear what Roderick Edwards was saying -- he hates me that much. His hatred gets in his way.

In Bradfield's latest article, called The Subtlety of Heresy he further explains how he fell into "hyperpreterism".  He says:

" 2003, my family and i packed our bags and moved to Florida to dedicate our lives to what i thought was the ‘new reformation.’ Seven. Years. Seven freakin’ years of wallowing in that garbage."

This is a reference of Bradfield contacting and then joining up with Full Preterist self-styled "pastor", Sam Frost. This is the same Frost that Kenneth  Talbot allowed to help develop student materials for his seminary while never confronting Frost publicly. Could you imagine if Talbot would have instead, aggressively opposed and denounced Frost's promotion of...well, how does Bradfield call it? "garbage".  Instead, Talbot knowingly allowed and even fostered Frost's many years of promoting heresy. Talbot has finally given Bradfield a role in his seminary and I wonder if a bit of it is due as repayment for helping to cause people like Bradfield to waste "seven freakin' years of walling in garbage". I mean, when good men see evil and do nothing, there are consequences right?


While I certainly think it is good news when a person breaks free of a cult or a heresy, it is not good news when they simply jump into another cult or heresy. Isn't there any red flags for Bradfield about joining with Talbot; the man who coddled the man who helped Bradfield fall into heresy in the first place??? What would have happened if Frost wasn't there for Bradfield to pack up and move to Florida over? Maybe Bradfield and his family wouldn't have spent "seven freakin' years" in that cult had he not also been coddled by Talbot's protégé -- Frost.

Read how Bradfield describes in another posting how he entered Full Preterism:

"For those of you who don’t know me, i embraced the full pret framework (all prophecy was fulfilled by ad70) in late 2002 and went on to aid Sam Frost as the techie guy behind Christ Covenant Church, which turned into RCM, as well as formed SGP, which is still one of the most active full pret social networks around...  Well, there are a number of factors. Looking back, I think alot of it has to do with how i entered into the view. I embraced “full preterism” out of frustration and impatience. At the time that i decided to go all in, i was a pastor-in-training at a reformed baptist church that taught postmillennialism from the pulpit." (source)

Notice his situation. He was being groomed for the pastorate. He wanted to be a power-broker. He admits he became frustrated and impatient. It wasn't happening fast enough for him.  Interestingly, Bradfield's history is repeating itself as he has jumped into Talbotism.  He is currently a...and I quote: "a deacon-in-training" at Talbot's church. (See link) He is also the "techie guy" behind Talbot's ministries.

What has changed? Bradfield simply left one heresy/cult where he wasn't able to succeed and jumped into another one....doing the same things he previously did. He is still chasing the power.


Bradfield almost behaves like a person with Stockholm syndrome, where he begins to identify with his abusers. After all, Frost directly abused Bradfield by helping him stay captive "seven freakin years" to the cult/heresy of Full Preterism. And Talbot fostered and aided Frost's push by never publicly opposing his pupil. And now, here's Bradfield working side-by-side with his two main abusers. You'd think he'd consider that they were directly responsible for what happened to him...and his family.

Commenting on Bradfield's article, Frost said:

"I would take umbrage at this if it were not for the truth. I remember those nights talking to Jason to “come on down” to Florida. We were, at the time, convinced. I know I was."

See, exactly as I said in 2011:

"Note the progression here. Bradfield loses acceptance in his former circles. The network breaks down and leaves him and his family without proper supporting fellowship, especially in his time of need. Somehow Bradfield gets in contact with hyperpreterist leader Sam Frost...One of my MAIN COMPLAINTS against Dr. Kenneth Talbot is that for 10 years, Talbot allowed Frost to not only attend Talbot's Christian seminary, Talbot actually allowed Frost to assist in developing the seminary's student materials. For 10 years, Talbot in essence validated Frost's hyperpreterism. Where was Talbot while Frost continued to advocate this heresy over the last 10-15 years? Why do we not see anything publicly from Talbot discouraging Frost's promotion of heresy? Instead, we see Bradfield; as a dejected Christian who is led astray by Frost into the heresy, by Frost being there at the very crucial moment...Notice the HUGE FACTOR that precipitated Bradfield's into the heresy -- a WELCOMING, comforting, validating atmosphere. This is EXACTLY why I am soooooo adamant that Christians never appear to validate hyperpreterism or hyperpreterists. It only lengthens their stay within the heresy. Bradfield admits that without the "pressure" [to prove/test all things], he was able to put the important questions on the back burner [and adopt heresy]." - (source)

Now, Bradfield is but one man. How about all the other people that Frost/Talbot coddled and took advantage of to promote Full Preterism. And what about all the people they are currently coddling and taking advantage of to promote Talbotism? Why is Bradfield now helping his former abusers abuse more people -- al be it with another heresy/cult. How can Bradfield trust these men? They obviously didn't care about him the first time around. Frost even admits he was "convinced" his heresy/cult was right. How long will he follow a person taking him down dangerous paths..."convinced" they are right but actually terribly wrong.

I've been opposing Talbot for many years now and for many years his proxies viciously attack me for daring to question an "elder". No matter how many facts are brought out, they always attempt to explain them away or say it is out of context. It sounds like they are "convinced" again...again by the SAME MAN who failed them the first time around. Talbot didn't just fail Bradfield, but he failed Frost. What kind of "elder", "pastor", "seminary president" coddles a major leader of a heresy yet takes no responsibility in what that does to people's lives.  I know Talbot had almost single-handedly ruined my faith but he has never lifted a finger to help. He is an evil man who even now advocates "quick executions" of people who do not obey him if/when ever he is "in charge".  Really Jason? This is what you want to be part of? Go on hating me all you want, but please, please do not repeat your history with these frauds.