Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Bamboozling Criswell College

Quote Originally Posted by Samuel M. Frost View Post

Thank you for responding and clarifying. I appreciate also how you distinguish between Gentry (Preterism/Postmilennialism) and "the heterodoxy of full preterism." Although I understood from the beginning Criswell's stance, and that you are not a seminary that would lend theological support to Preterism in terms of agreement, it is nonetheless appreciated that, in the essentials, Gentry is orthodox in affirming the resurrection of the dead, the continuing incarnate body of Christ, the bodily return of Christ and the final judgment.

Samuel M. Frost
Reign of Christ Ministries

Dr. Creamer,
Meet Sam Frost. This guy isn't "president" of anything. The so-called "Reign of Christ Ministries" is just him and another guy with a website. Heck, if all it took to declare one's self a "president" is a website; I'd be the head of the website U.N. by now

But joking aside, Frost is not an honest-broker in these discussions. One of his pals is Joel McDurmon; the very guy who wrote the article in question. Further, the other guy who runs the website for Frost is Jason Bradfield. Bradfield had this to say about Criswell College:

"Criswell will get no “thank you” from me. How does a college put together a roundtable with men of that caliber and then invite someone they knew nothing about? Further, Criswell was informed by a number of men about the situation prior to the event taking place. Yet, apparently, they continued on with the show. They would have received a “thank you” from me had they acknowledged their goof up and told Preston to stay home…if, in fact, it was a “goof up.” Entirely irresponsible." -- Jason Bradfield, dogging Criswell College

The irony is that Frost was a leader within the "hyperpret" movement for about 15 years and all that time Frost's supposedly "orthodox" seminary never said a peep about it publicly and even allowed him to work behind the scenes, helping develop student materials for the seminary, yet here is Frost's pals acting like they are all outraged at Criswell??? Further, Frost's seminary pal/president even recently enrolled a known "hyperpret"; Larry Siegle into a "ministers" program. Not to merely audit it, but to obtain a minister's degree. To whom will he minister with the blessings of this supposed "orthodox" seminary?? And lastly, Frost to this day goes around telling people he is/was a "pastor" though he was only ever a self-ordained leader of a group of "hyperprets" -- Frost doesn't state that though. He claims that because he was certified through the state of Florida, that that makes him a Christian pastor, no matter what he was teaching. Really?

So anyhow, be careful with the kudos from men like Frost, McDurmon and such -- they are only out to promote themselves, no matter how deceptively.

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