Friday, November 15, 2013

Roderick the Bully In His Own Words

Roderick proves he is a 'bully' (and stalker) with his own words:

Source #1 - Roderick says that it is a "bully tactic" and an attempt "to elicit violence" against someone to post what State that someone lives in:
"Another fellow on Facebook, presumably a full pret named Joe Simpson even took to the Vaduva-Bradfieldesque approach of trying to elicit violence against Rivers by posting over and over, in what state Rivers supposedly lives.  How is this relevant? It is just bully tactics to try to get someone to shut up."

Source #2 - In a post by stalker Roderick Edwards solely dedicated to compiling "as much information" about my pastor as the stalker could find, the stalker writes the following which includes the state my pastor lives in:
Online biographical material on Kenneth Talbot is scarce however I have compiled as much information as I could find. 
FULL NAME: Kenneth Gary Talbot
DATE OF BIRTH: November 2, 1954
SPOUSE: Phyllis Ellen
CHILDREN: Alyson Funkhouser
SIBLINGS: D. Randall Talbot (others?)
CURRENT RESIDENCE: Lakeland Florida"


Is not Roderick the worst of the worst "bullies" and "stalkers"? He not only posted the State that Dr. Ken Talbot lives in, but listed the names of family members. He has also sent out Facebook friend requests to relatives of both Dr. Talbot and myself.

The mental retardation of Roderick the Bully and Stalker is really starting to reveal itself here. Stay Tuned. More obsessive behavior will be on its way soon and we will archive it here as soon as it arrives.

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